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Beekeeping is one of the most widespread agricultural activities in the world. Our country is in the world honey production 2. it is next. Our country, where Four Seasons live together, is one of the important countries of the world in terms of its different climate characteristics and ecological regions and its variety of agricultural production. Although our conditions are favorable, honey yield per hive is not sufficient in our country.
As a result of the comprehensive studies carried out by experts within the scope of ABP project, the business development services required by SME and Beekeeping enterprises are not limited to this list:
Beekeeping is a form of production and has its own rules and criteria. For this reason, education should be given priority in order to keep the beekeeping on the country's agenda in order to maintain the existing level and raise the bar every day, and to raise the knowledge and awareness level of our beekeeping enterprises and SMEs. For this reason, the consultancy contact unit established within the scope of the project and operating within the company provides training and consultancy services within the scope of business development programs and above mentioned requirements list to increase the technical and administrative capacities of its stakeholders in the beekeeping sector. The contents of these services are carefully prepared by the Advisory contact point unit with professional support and adapted to local needs and expectations.
With rapidly developing technology and changing living conditions, the need for access to information has become mandatory regardless of time and place. As a member of our online portal service packages, they can reach the information and services they need to improve their business with the best price and best service quality without the time and space constraints of our beekeeping enterprises and SMEs and without disappearing among the unlimited data collection in the internet environment.
In order to benefit from this service, you must be a member of the balmer portal. Membership packages can be found at the link below.
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